Let’s TALK!

In this issue of Let’s Talk, let’s do just that, talk.  If you are reading this issue, we need your help.  Despite our extensive community outreach activities which have included meetings at the Senior Center, the library, homeowners’ associations, civic and cultural organizations, small business workshops and our community workshop in September, we know that there are members of the community that we are not reaching.  We know how hectic people’s lives are juggling work, home, sports, school, and other activities.  

Question for you, have you discussed Vision to Reality (V2R) with your neighbors or others in your social or work circles?  Over the next several weeks, and beginning in the New Year, we will be looking to improve our social media efforts which is a means of communication and information sharing that we know is popular and preferred by many.  We are also more than happy to meet in your neighborhoods, at a club meeting or social event.  The public participation that we have had has been fantastic and has provided us with an opportunity to hear concerns and comments, and also allows us to provide information and context to many of the elements of Vision to Reality.

In previous issues of Let’s Talk we have discussed that Vision to Reality is the culmination of over a decade of planning efforts and it articulates the specific Goals, Policies and Recommendations which were all included in the Town’s Comprehensive Master Plan which was approved in May 2022. Chapter 8 of the Plan is titled, “Implementation Program” and it highlights the importance of taking action on the policies and recommendations contained in the plan. 

Having an opportunity to discuss how the Master Plan and Vision to Reality are linked is something we feel is important for the community to realize its potential.  Can we ask you for a favor?  Please ask friends, neighbors and co-workers if they are aware of Vision to Reality?  If they are unaware, can you let them know that the initiative’s website has all the information they need to get them up to speed on what has transpired to date and what is being planned.  They, like you, can sign up for our electronic (email) newsletters and Let’s Talk issues.  They can actually catch up on all of our previous communications right on the website.  Just think how much fun it will be having a conversation about V2R at the next holiday party you are at, it’s the perfect conversation starter!

We sincerely appreciate your interest in this community effort and are asking you to be an ambassador by helping us reach as many community members as possible.  This will be our last issue until the New Year. We would like to take this opportunity to wish you a safe and healthy holiday season and look forward to engaging with you in 2024.


Bridgewater's Vision to Reality: Change


Bridgewater's Vision to Reality: V2R Next Steps