Bridgewater's Vision to Reality: V2R Next Steps

As we near the end of the year and look back, we can see with clarity that we have made a great deal of progress in moving the Vision to Reality initiative forward.  Understandably some may question what progress; physically the landscape looks the same and we would agree that that is a fair observation.  In actuality though, there has been a significant amount of progress which has been realized.

As we have stated previously, Vision to Reality is the execution and implementation of over a decade of planning and studies culminating with the adoption in May 2022 of Bridgewater’s Comprehensive Master Plan, clearly stating that it was a “Community Vision”.  The Challenges and Opportunities articulated in the Plan are real and exist.  The Opportunities, Goals, Policies and Recommendations are all identified and are elements of Vision to Reality.

We have raised awareness, have had the opportunity to engage with the public and have encouraged comments and participation.  Our community workshop this past September exceeded our expectations in terms of attendance and the overwhelming majority of feedback we received through the exit surveys has been positive.  Admittedly, there are residents who for whatever reason did not participate in the public process of developing the Master Plan and will question the need for such an initiative or take exception with the elements contained within the plan.  In previous issues of Let’s Talk we have addressed the need to prioritize the initiative’s elements.

At the December 5th Town Council meeting we will update the Town Council on what has been accomplished, what the next steps in moving forward are and provide them with a timeline.  The public is invited to attend the meeting which will be held at 7:00 PM in the Town Council Chambers and will also be streamed live via Facebook Live (  In January the Planning Board and Town Council will be asked to approve changes to the Town’s Zoning Ordinance which will result in a more predictable and expedited approval process ensuring that new development and significant redevelopment is consistent with what has been articulated in all of the previous plans and studies which have been completed. 

We are already experiencing an increased amount of interest in the vacant or underutilized properties which we have identified in Vision to Reality in anticipation of the proposed zoning amendments.  The Small Business outreach and assistance program which was initiated this past spring has been successful with three free small business workshops held and many local businesses taking advantage of the one-on-one professional consulting the program offers.  In January we will begin a Quarterly Lunch & Learn series for small businesses, as well as kicking off our Last Friday Coffee Hour with the Community & Economic Development Office.

There is also significant progress with our plans to relocate the MBTA platform to the Spring Street lot; progress is also being made in addressing other infrastructure issues including the evaluation of putting in two new wells (High Street & Carver’s Pond), in addition to the initiation of a study to evaluate new wells on Vernon Street.  The Town is also participating in a regional water study funded through the Old Colony Planning Council. In addition to all of this, we will begin discussions with the State regarding the reallocation of wastewater from BSU to other state assets allowing the Town to free up capacity in anticipation of new development. 

Our relationship with BSU continues to grow stronger.  We have partnered with the university for a second grant to install new sidewalks and we are working together on plans for the reuse of the vacant gas station at the intersection of Plymouth and Summer Streets.  And, we are excited to continue our discussions with BSU about the economic benefits which can be realized from their Cyber Security Program.

We encourage you to reach out to our office for more information or to comment on any aspect of Vision to Reality, it is your plan.


Let’s TALK!


Bridgewater's Vision to Reality: Let’s Talk Small Business & Economic Development