Vision to Reality Newsletter
Exciting things are happening in Bridgewater, and I want to make sure every resident knows what is going on and what is planned. As I often say, despite the explosion of social media it is still hard for municipal governments to get accurate information out to their residents. This forum is yet another way we try to keep you informed with timely and accurate information.
Our Vision to Reality initiative is seeing its first concrete action: The much-discussed Form Based Zoning Code is moving through the approval process with a Community and Economic Development Committee meeting scheduled for Wednesday, January 31 at 7 p.m. via Zoom, and a Town Council public hearing scheduled for Tuesday, February 6 at 7 p.m. in person.
Vision to Reality is critically important to us because it outlines what kind of town we want to be over the next several generations. History shows that cities and towns that are proactive about their futures are communities that truly develop in a positive, inclusive, and consistent manner. Back in the late 1960s, when the state adopted chapter 40B (the state’s affordable housing law), forward thinking cities and towns embraced the law and shaped what kind of projects they wanted in their communities. Those who ignored and objected to the law are now facing unwanted projects in inappropriate locations without any recourse. The MBTA Communities Act is a more recent housing mandate from the state that we are working hard to implement on our own terms. We know that there will be steep penalties for not adhering to the law. But we also know that there are substantial benefits to embracing the law early – we get to shape our own future.
Vision to Reality is all about shaping our future, and the Form Based Zoning Code is the beginning of many years of work we will do on your behalf. We cannot wait to see the results of our collective efforts. Our success depends upon your engagement and excitement. Welcome to the future!
- Michael Dutton
Town Manager of Bridgewater, MA
If you need assistance with your small business, we can help!
Drop by the Senior Center every 4th Friday between now and March for coffee, bagels, and networking opportunities. See you there!
Attend this informative digital marketing session led by Mark Collins of On Web Local to level up your Google Business Listing and website - which will increase your flow of inbound customers to your business from your local community!