Town of Bridgewater, Mass., Announces Revitalization Plan
Bridgewater (M.A.) July 11, 2023 — Bridgewater Town Manager Michael Dutton is proud to announce phase one of “Revitalizing the Heart of Bridgewater: Vision to Reality," an initiative focusing on transforming the town’s Central Business District, which includes Central Square and the area in and around Campus Plaza, into a vibrant hub of business and community. The strategic, community-driven initiative will address many of the objectives from the town’s Comprehensive Master Plan completed in 2022.
“Bridgewater is an extraordinary community full of bright minds, outstanding talent, hardworking dedicated business owners, exceptional educators, and committed residents who share our belief that there’s an opportunity right at our fingertips to invest in and grow this town to realize its full potential,” said Bob Rulli, Director of the Office of Community & Economic Development. “After continued listening and learning with residents, business owners, university faculty, staff and students, and myriad stakeholders, Revitalizing the Heart of Bridgewater: Vision to Reality, will proactively advance us to realizing that vision, guided by that collective input. I look forward to opportunities for public engagement over the next few months, all leading to our Community Workshop on September 26th.”
Town Manager Dutton, who oversaw the completion of the Comprehensive Master Plan, shares Rulli’s enthusiasm. “We’re committed to actualizing improvements downtown including pedestrian safety, beautification congruent with a high quality of life, and stewarding a business climate that supports existing local businesses while attracting new ones,” said Dutton. “The opportunity is now.”
Rulli describes the plan as a holistic initiative as it addresses housing, transportation, small businesses, historic preservation, infrastructure, and cultural tourism. “The focus on Central Square allows us to protect and celebrate the historic character of downtown and to reimagine the area around Campus Plaza, including the relocation of the Town’s only MBTA platform, making it a model for suburban Transit Oriented Development, or TOD – a fast growing trend in creating vibrant, livable, sustainable communities.”
The town will be conducting outreach efforts that offer opportunities for community input and engagement, including polling conducted in conjunction with Bridgewater State University, in advance of the September workshop. The Town of Bridgewater and its Office of Community & Economic Development will each be using their respective social media channels to regularly provide information to citizens as well as printed materials, direct mailers, and collateral that will be distributed throughout town including the Bridgewater Senior Center, town hall, the library, and other well trafficked locations.
“I like to say we finally have the unique opportunity to create a ‘there, there,’ meaning the chance to give Bridgewater an identity – a place to gather, shop, work, and entertain; a place where young professionals can work and live, and university students might consider starting their post-collegiate life,“ said Rulli.
The Community Workshop on September 26, 2023 will begin at 6:30 PM at the George Mitchell Elementary School. Light refreshments and beverages will be provided and child care will be offered. Additional details about Revitalizing the Heart of Bridgewater: Vision to Reality, can be found at