Bridgewater Residents Turn Out in Droves to Discuss Town’s Revitalization Plan

Bridgewater (M.A.) September 28, 2023 — Town officials in Bridgewater expected about one hundred residents, business owners, and stakeholders to attend a community workshop on revitalizing downtown at Mitchell Elementary School on Tuesday evening. More than double that number showed up, filling the school’s auditorium to capacity and leaving standing room only. 

“The success of our first community workshop in support of the Vision to Reality initiative exceeded our expectations. The large turnout and the level of participation of attendees was wonderful,” said Bob Rulli, Director of the Office of Community & Economic Development. “As we proceed towards the end of the year, we will be holding more of these workshops to discuss our proposed zoning amendments.”

“Revitalizing the Heart of Bridgewater: Vision to Reality," is a strategic, community-driven initiative focusing on transforming the town’s Central Business, District which includes  improving underutilized downtown properties and pedestrian safety, increasing connectivity between downtown and surrounding areas through transit-oriented development, and providing support to existing and new businesses while preserving Bridgewater’s historic character.

Following a brief presentation on the project, attendees visited designated stations where they discussed the project with planners, engineers, and town leaders in more detail. The focus of the four stations were Central Square Revitalization, Redevelopment and Housing, Downtown Circulation, and Infrastructure.

“I have said it often over the last few months: I am very excited about the Vision to Reality initiative, and the success of our community workshop certainly added to that excitement,” added Town Manager Michael Dutton. “Our team did an amazing job putting on and managing the event. It was an incredible exhibition of teamwork.”

The community workshop was one of many planned outreach efforts designed to engage those who live, work and do business in Bridgewater on how to best transform the town’s Central Business District.

Additional details about Revitalizing the Heart of Bridgewater: Vision to Reality, can be found at



Town of Bridgewater Activates Phase One of Revitalization Plan


Bridgewater’s Community Workshop To Bring Together Residents, Business Owners, University Leaders and Stakeholders