Vision to Reality Newsletter
Were you able to attend the September Community Workshop at Mitchell Elementary School? It was so great to have over 250 Bridgewater residents not only attend but to be so engaged, asking questions and giving feedback - this is YOUR initiative and it is the direct result of over a decade of thoughtful planning & hard work so having the community involved in the execution is critical. In case you missed it, or if you’d like to see the results of what you participated in, we have the report available for you on the Vision to Reality website, click here.
Please like/follow the Office of Community & Economic Development’s Facebook page and be sure to visit the YouTube channel often as we continue to upload videos (both accounts have easy links in the upper right hand corner on the website’s homepage too).
Some of you have been asking, ‘how can I help?’ The more residents that understand Vision to Reality the better, so it would be great if you could please share this information with others in the community!
Bridgewater’s Office of Community & Economic Development:
Bob Rulli, Director
P: 508-697-0950
Nicole Salvo, Executive Assistant
P: 508-697-0950
Please don’t hesitate to reach out to Bob or Nicole if you have any questions!
Residents can download the town’s Report it! App to notify the town of issues that need their attention. For more information, click the link here. This is an app that can be downloaded and accessed via a smartphone.
Last week’s Small Business Workshop on Email Marketing was really great! Thank you to those that attended and to The Spark Social for presenting a very informative workshop. We are already planning workshops for after the holidays and we’d love to hear what kinds of workshops would be helpful to you, and your business, so please reply to this email if you have ideas!
The Town’s FREE program for Bridgewater businesses offers confidential one-on-one advising sessions with small business experts, as well as offers small business workshops on relevant topics.
We are in the process of building out a robust business resource center within the Community & Economic Development Office - if you have questions or need support, please reach out to Nicole or anyone in that office. Regular ‘office hours’ are coming soon but please feel free to email us to set up your session anytime.
Sample areas of one-on-one advising & support:
Social Media Marketing
Email Marketing
Strategy Development & Execution
Website Development & Updates
We have a bi-weekly feature on the Vision to Reality website called 'Let's Talk' in which Bob Rulli, the Office of Community & Economic Development Director, discusses different elements of the initiative. We have the first 6 issues up on the website and encourage you to read them if you haven’t already! Please share with others! The link is here. #VisionToReality